Helping companies by assisting people with disabilities
Want to improve your services and attract more people with disabilities to your brand?
Our partners:
The Situation
People with disabilities are not considered when designing places.
1 in 10 people have some kind of disability
According to the World Health Organization.
People with disabilities face many difficulties:
- There's no easy way for them to ask for assistance.
- They face many barriers such as rotating doors, large crowds, and employees unaware of their needs.
- Although companies want to help, they often lack sufficient information on how to do so effectively.
87% of those we surveyed would switch to a brand that uses a system like Inclusio
By partnering with Inclusio, a company demonstrates that it is proactive in meeting and complying with accessibility legal standards, ensuring smooth movement and access for people with disabilities. This also helps prevent legal issues while serving as a marketing advantage.
What is Inclusio?
It's a system that helps people with disabilities access locations
such as banks, post offices, markets etc.
It notifies employees at the location when a person with disabilities arrives
It notifies employees at the location when a person with disabilities arrives
Our goal is to help both people with disabilities and companies.
To give unimpeded movement for every individual and help the company and its employees give their best for their clients.
How is Inclusio implemented?
Determining the number of locations.
On our first meeting we will analyze how to improve the accessibility of your locations.
Choosing an integration model
Integrating Inclusio is flexible - depending on your business practices, we offer a number of approaches:
Budget Planning
Pricing varies depending on the number of locations. We offer plans which fit your needs and your budget. Our team will cooperate closely with you to prepare a detailed offer of our services. Talk to us about your business needs today to get a tailored offer of our services.
Training the staff
Once the Inclusio system is implemented, our team will hold a course for your employees to introduce them to the new Inclusio system and educate them on the various types of disabilities, as well as proper ways to respond in order to create a pleasant and inclusive environment for everyone.
Get Notified & Keep Track with our Partner App
Easily handle all the people with disabilities who come to your location. Get informed on their disability and track who you've helped out.

View all announced visitations
View a list of all announced users for today. Get informed on their disability and how to help.
Info on How to Help the User
The app contains useful instructions on how to help and treat people with certain disabilities.

Get notified upon the User's Arrival
The device will notify you as soon as the user is in front of the building.
Attain sustainable growth with SDG & ESG goals
Improving your social responsibility
Corporate social responsibility allows companies to take positive actions that benefit both the business and the community. With Inclusio, your company supports vulnerable social groups, enhancing quality of life and building a socially responsible brand.
Attracting the Public with Better Marketing
By promoting accessibility and inclusivity, businesses can attract new customers, including people with disabilities, and benefit from word-of-mouth recommendations. Making accessibility central to their brand helps build a positive image and gain a competitive market advantage.
Complying with Standards
By partnering with Inclusio, a company demonstrates that it is proactive in meeting and complying with accessibility legal standards, ensuring smooth movement and access for people with disabilities. This also helps prevent legal issues while serving as a marketing advantage.
The Benefits of Partnership
Location accessibility
Article 19 of EU integrations defines putting a greater emphasis on the social integration of people with disabilities support services, as well as increased accessibility of locations.
Socially Responsible Company
The Company has a positive role in supporting the most endangered social groups, and positions its brand as socially responsible.
Conquering a New Market Segment
83.2% of people with disabilities would become users of another brand if it had the same support system as Inclusio.
Lower Risk of Scandals
A non-appropriate interaction with a person with a disability could spark extremely bad publicity.
Let's Make the Lives of People with Disabilities Easier
Improve your business, satisfy customers and make a positive impact on the community!